In November 2007, I had the rare opportunity to interview Jan, the man behind Trist, a DSBM project from the Czech Republic. To my knowledge, this was the only interview he ever gave. Trist was a defining name in the second wave of depressive black metal, active from the mid-2000s until its final release in 2011. The project was renowned for its deeply atmospheric and minimalist soundscapes, characterized by raw production, mournful melodies, and a profound sense of isolation. Among Trist’s most notable works are Zrcadlení Melancholie, which encapsulates despair and introspection, and Sebevražední andělé, a raw and emotionally intense piece that solidified the band’s place in the underground metal scene. Trist’s music remains a testament to the power of raw emotion, leaving an indelible mark on the depressive black metal genre even after all these years. This interview was originally published on the old MG website and, like much of the older content, had been unavailable until now.
Interview with Trist
Trist was from Czech Republic ,Start at 2003 as a Melancholic Black Metal, released 15 albums yet. The conversation took place in November 2007 between Deineath and Jan of Trist, Life is Pain and Deep-pression.

Misty-Graveyard : Greets! In the first place of interview, please tell us something about the history of Trist!
Trist : Hi, there isn’t anything interesting, I think. Hm. Some lyrics were written in 2003 and then I recorded few demos, most of it I don’t spread already. After it some albums. Two live performances were done. All lyrics and music are my work and always were, but I had also some session members. I ended everything after the last full-length and it was summer 2007. Though I ended with music there will be released several split albums yet.
Misty-Graveyard : Now your “Zrcadlení melancholie” album was released in this month (November), I think, “Zrcadlení melancholie” Album was different and unrivaled, that I unsight until now. What can you tell us about that?
Trist : I think it isn’t so different, it has only better sound. I‘ve never honoured any progress, my priority was to make things proved long time ago. I’m not talking about sound now because it depended on recording process which was every time different (for reasons like place, recording system etc.)…
Misty-Graveyard : I‘d like to talk about “Slunce V Snovém Kraji, Rozplývání, Echa” for a little while. This is neo-classical music / ambient. What is your sense to this opus?
Trist : I wouldn’t like to call it „neo-classical“, it hasn’t got anything common with neoclass music. It’s only primitive and monotonous soft ambient about reverie senses. I don’t know if it was released. One label wrote it was released as digipack but I’ve never seen the CD.

Misty-Graveyard : In 2006, when Life is Pain started, do you think duet with Kim is a lucrative project? How long you compose song? As if Life is Pain hold on, do you want continuance with Kim in future?
Trist : I don’t know. I recorded music when I was set free from mental asylum. It was recorded in few days, I had inspiration. I think I won’t make more music in the future. Now my life is alcohol and I think it will destroy me. Misty-Graveyard : Well, tell us about Trist structure and music, so your lyrics deal Melancholy and Pain. Where do you find inspirations? P. play drums in all songs?
Trist : Inspiration is my crippled „life“ in psychical sickness, my reverie… P. played drums only on the first and last album and some unreleased songs. But he was by myself all the time from the beginning and he has full privilege to talk about me.
Misty-Graveyard : I think vein to Ambient in your music is visible, what is reason? Your music correlates with something? I think, in the first part of “Poslední cesta” music inspire of Nargaroth. Please talk about this.
Trist : Ambient was only „Slunce…“ (if you discover „Audio Negativity“ it isn’t Trist), but I can write ambient was part of me as well as things with distortion.
Maybe, but Nargaroth didn’t inspire me, inspiration was my outgoing blood and misery.

Misty-Graveyard : What will come next? Maybe another collaboration? What do you think about Eastern and Persian Black Metal Underground?
Trist : I don’t know anything about that, yet.
I don’t know any BM from these countries. I have only CD of Taarma, but it lays in my room for about 5 months and I’m too lazy to listen to it.
Misty-Graveyard : Finally, what music do you listen to in private life? Do any aberrant vagaries charm you in life?
Trist : Hmm… I listen to shoegaze and the last two albums from The Gathering. Sometimes melancholic BM. Yes, I think I don’t do anything in normal way, heh.
Misty-Graveyard : Ok, many thanks to you for your time to answer our questions! The last words are yours…
Trist : So I thank you as well.
Link: Download Trist Discography
Link: Persian Translation
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